Known as atopic dermatitis, eczema is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by scratchiness, itching, redness, and dryness. The skin will become cracked, blistery, and leathery in more extreme examples. On fair-skinned people, the affected area turns a brownish-gray colour. Eczema generally alters dark-skinned people’s natural pigmentation, making the affected area lighter or darker. Eczema appears on wrists, elbows, and knees but most frequently on the face.

Causal factors of eczema

Causal factors of eczema include allergy reactions, stress, and genetic predisposition. Allergens that could trigger an episode of eczema include foods like cow’s milk, eggs, wheat, nuts, strawberries, and shrimp; and airborne irritants such as dust mites and pollen. Common substance irritants that are implicated in causing eczema include woollen and synthetic fabrics, latex rubber, detergents, chlorine-based products, nickel used in plated earrings and other jewellery, heat and sweat, and chemicals such as formaldehyde. People are often exposed to irritating chemicals through a lack of information about their presence.

For example, formaldehyde can be found in permanent-press fabrics, polishes, rugs, foam insulation, and particle board. Since eczema may be an internal response to stress, any emotionally-charged event may trigger a flare-up. Eczema affects approximately nine out of every one thousand people.

Eczema - most common inflammatory skin disease

Eczema is the most common inflammatory skin disease. The National Institutes of Health estimates that there are 15 million people with eczema in the United States. Approximately 10 to 20 percent of all infants have episodes of eczema. Eczema is characterized by various types of skin lesions, including erythema, papules, vesicles or blisters, erosion, oozing, scaling, lichenification, and cracks. Itching is a universal symptom. Eczema may look different from person to person. Many substances have been identified as eczema “triggers,” from shampoo and jewellery to food and water. Environmental and psychological factors also play a role, and triggers are not the same for every person. A flare-up can be difficult to diagnose because there is often no clear trigger that causes a flare-up.

The disease is not important. The “patient” is important, because the patient has created the disease. The cause is in the patient; the disease is only a symptom. You can change the symptom, and another symptom will come up. You can force this disease by drugs, you can stop its expression, but then the disease will assert itself somewhere else and with more danger, more force – with a vengeance. So we will feel the “patient.” As we all aware education and experience equality important. But most important to get in tune with the “patient” and find the cause using both western and eastern medicine. We care and will build a rapport; and create a bridge on your healing journey!

Download this pdf if you would like more information, as this is one of the first English-language journals devoted to traditional Chinese medicine. This will help you to understand and you can discuss with the practioner more in detail for your faster recovery.

We are here to help you to recover you from the root!

    Please call us or send email to find out how we can help you! Please download the a scientic journal to understand how tcm helps in your pain or illness.

    The conventional Western medicine treatment includes:

    • Skin creams or ointments that control swelling and allergic reactions
    • Steroids/Corticosteroids
    • Antibiotics to treat secondary infections
    • Antihistamines
    • Tar products
    • Light therapy
    • Moisturizing products

    How Does Eastern Medicine Understand Eczema?

    Eczema can be caused by both internal and external factors. “Damp heat” is the pattern diagnosis most often given in cases of eczema. The mechanism for damp heat is rooted in constitutional weakness and in a dysfunction of the transformation and transportation functions of the Spleen, resulting in the accumulation of damp heat on the skin. The acute stage of eczema/damp heat is due to a dysfunction of the Heart, and the sub-acute and chronic stages are due to Spleen and Liver dysfunction.
    Damp heat is the main pathogenesis in eczema’s acute stage. When the disease transitions into the chronic stage, an accumulation of damp heat combined with yin-blood deficiency and stasis are the main pathological changes. Using acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage and cupping, patient not only recovered from Eczema but also other deep diseases they are caring for and not aware of!


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