In today’s society, it is hard to avoid getting into one or two car accidents, including those that involve light contact with other cars. Accident victims are often not fully aware of the symptoms of their injuries other than the fact that they cause severe pain. Understanding where in the body you feel pain is crucial to receiving the best treatment.

It is possible to experience significant pain after ....

It is possible to experience significant pain after a car accident. Back and neck pain is the most apparent type of pain. A vertebra is divided into the cervical vertebra (neck), the thoracic vertebra (back) and the lumbar vertebra (back). The cervical vertebrae have no support structure, unlike the thoracic and lumbar spines. Even a minimal impact can cause significant pain and imbalance in the body due to the lack of support. The resulting symptoms are strained muscles, restricted motion and tingling sensations from the nerves pressing on the muscles. Symptoms affecting the back can also cause one or both legs to fall asleep due to the compression in the sciatic nerve. Nighttime pain tends to be much stronger than daytime pain after a car accident. The body sends blood to the internal organs during the day, so there is generally less blood flow, causing the pain to worsen. However, blood flow to the muscles at night decreases, causing the pain to worsen. Poor blood circulation in the muscles results in body stiffness and feelings of heaviness and can easily make you tired.

Next, abnormal symptoms of autonomic nerves, such as ...

Next, abnormal symptoms of autonomic nerves, such as headaches, dizziness, ringing, and nausea, can occur, which can indicate a minor concussion. There are symptoms in parts of the body where the brain’s nerves are directly connected, such as the eyes, ears, and stomach. There are several causes of dizziness, including problems with the brain and tension in the neck muscles. It is easy to touch the sternocleidomastoid muscle by holding onto your neck. Tension in this specific muscle is one of the causes of dizziness. There are also cases where the body can swell, and urine flow can be complex. These symptoms result from problems in the lymphatic circulation that regulates water metabolism.

In addition, anxiety and sleep deprivation are ....

In addition, anxiety and sleep deprivation are also common neuropsychiatric symptoms. Many people in car accidents overlook this, but it can be severe. In the aftermath of a car accident, many people experience increased heart rates, sweaty palms, and frequent flashbacks to their accident when the speed of their car rises. Thus, many people begin experiencing insomnia due to such anxiety. This is what we call PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

The disease is not important. The “patient” is important, because the patient has created the disease. The cause is in the patient; the disease is only a symptom. You can change the symptom, and another symptom will come up. You can force this disease by drugs, you can stop its expression, but then the disease will assert itself somewhere else and with more danger, more force – with a vengeance. So we will feel the “patient.” As we all aware education and experience equality important. But most important to get in tune with the “patient” and find the cause using both western and eastern medicine. We care and will build a rapport; and create a bridge on your healing journey!

Download this pdf if you would like more information, as this is one of the first English-language journals devoted to traditional Chinese medicine. This will help you to understand and you can discuss with the practioner more in detail for your faster recovery.

We are here to help you to recover you from the root!

    Please call us or send email to find out how we can help you! Please download the a scientic journal to understand how tcm helps in your pain or illness.

    How would Eastern medicine treat these symptoms now that we have them listed?

    The most basic treatment would be using herbal medicine to increase blood flow and circulation. When constipation occurs after a car accident, treating it can be delayed. It is essential to examine the condition of the stool. In this case, a medication that increases blood flow and speeds up stool movements can be very beneficial. Luckily, acupuncture is an officially recognized treatment by ICBC for people suffering from car accidents. The sooner you start acupuncture after a car accident, the more effective it can treat your pain. The benefits of acupuncture extend beyond simply treating physical pain; it can also treat autonomic neurological disorders such as headaches, dizziness and anxiety. The advantages that patients receive from acupuncture are considerable, so we can easily foresee that acupuncture will become a popular treatment for car accident injuries.

    How would Eastern medicine treat these symptoms now that we have them listed?

    The most basic treatment would be using herbal medicine to increase blood flow and circulation. When constipation occurs after a car accident, treating it can be delayed. It is essential to examine the condition of the stool. In this case, a medication that increases blood flow and speeds up stool movements can be very beneficial. Luckily, acupuncture is an officially recognized treatment by ICBC for people suffering from car accidents. The sooner you start acupuncture after a car accident, the more effective it can treat your pain. The benefits of acupuncture extend beyond simply treating physical pain; it can also treat autonomic neurological disorders such as headaches, dizziness and anxiety. The advantages that patients receive from acupuncture are considerable, so we can easily foresee that acupuncture will become a popular treatment for car accident injuries.


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