An imbalance between energy intake and consumption leads to lipid deposition in obesity. There are multiple systemic complications associated with obesity. Weight loss surgery and drug weight loss are the primary treatments for obesity, but their curative effects are limited, or their side effects are severe. There is no doubt that Traditional Chinese Medicine has a unique role in treating obesity. Traditional Chinese Medicine treats obesity in various ways, including increasing hormone levels, regulating fat Metabolism, and regulating intestinal microflora. This review will introduce and summarize traditional Chinese medicine’s mechanism for treating obesity.

Acupuncture and Weight Loss: How Does It Work?

By regulating hormone production, improving metabolism, optimizing digestion, reducing inflammation, suppressing appetite, reducing water retention, and optimizing other bodily functions related to obesity, acupuncture can assist with weight loss.

The disease is not important. The “patient” is important, because the patient has created the disease. The cause is in the patient; the disease is only a symptom. You can change the symptom, and another symptom will come up. You can force this disease by drugs, you can stop its expression, but then the disease will assert itself somewhere else and with more danger, more force – with a vengeance. So we will feel the “patient.” As we all aware education and experience equality important. But most important to get in tune with the “patient” and find the cause using both western and eastern medicine. We care and will build a rapport; and create a bridge on your healing journey!

Download this pdf if you would like more information, as this is one of the first English-language journals devoted to traditional Chinese medicine. This will help you to understand and you can discuss with the practioner more in detail for your faster recovery.

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    Acupuncture can assist with weight loss

    1. It improves Digestion in one way or another

    As a result of using stomach and kidney acupuncture points, the digestive system can function more efficiently, and nutrients can be absorbed more effectively. Constipation, bloating, and other gastrointestinal issues that can keep you sedentary or lead to fat storage can be relieved by improving gut health.

    2. Reduction of inflammation

    It is possible for metabolism to be slowed down, the immune system to be strained, and even digestion and heart health can be adversely affected by gut inflammation or muscle tension in the body tissues. By relieving tension and regulating the body’s immune response, weight loss acupuncture lowers levels of oxidative stress and optimizes the body’s ability to shed excess weight.

    3. Stops Water Retention

    Stimulating the nerves of the kidney and endocrine system discourages water retention in the body. Preventing your body from storing excess water is a quick way to lose weight and help to keep it off.

    4. Hormone Production

    If your hormone levels are out of balance, many different bodily processes can be negatively affected, from Digestion and cognition to healing and immune system function. Acupuncture of the spleen and Shen Men point in the ear effectively balances hormone levels.

     5. Boosts Metabolism

    Needles stimulating the thyroid area can boost the functioning of your pituitary gland, one of the critical areas of the body concerning Metabolism. This can increase the fat-burning rate, making your workouts and daily activities more effective in burning calories and losing weight.

    6. Improves Mood

    Acupuncture can induce the release of endorphins in the body, which are feel-good hormones that can quickly eliminate stress and anxiety. Many people overeat when they have high-stress hormones or feel overwhelmed. Acupuncture can help to eliminate those urges.

    7. Sensitive Points for Acupuncture

    Regarding acupuncture for weight loss, several key areas of the body should be focused on. As mentioned earlier, the areas related to Digestion and food intake are critical, such as the stomach, kidneys, and mouth. Thyroid and endocrine acupuncture can also help regulate your hormone levels and ensure proper body energy flow while helping with appetite and metabolic speed. The lungs and spleen are also critical for weight-loss acupuncture, but the ear is one of the most important and unexpected sensitive points.

    In the eighth treatment, ear therapy is used.

    Auricular acupuncture (also known as acupuncture ear therapy) has gained a lot of attention for weight loss after studies showed that it results in significant weight loss. Having so many nerve endings in the ear makes it one of the densest areas of the body in terms of nerve endings. Seven specific points on the ear, carefully studied and recorded over thousands of years, can impact your health.

    As with any weight-loss strategy, a single change in your lifestyle or behaviour is not likely to deliver the results you want. The proper diet and regular exercise should be supplemented with acupuncture, even though it can affect metabolism and hormone levels, and address weight loss issues.


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