A variety of conditions can be treated with Acupuncture, a complementary and alternative medicine treatment. In this systematic review, Acupuncture was highly effective as a treatment for athletes’ sports injuries.

Acupuncture help relieve short-term pain

Based on the included cases, Acupuncture proved effective in treating various sports injuries beyond pain control in musculoskeletal disorders.

Acupuncture can help relieve short-term pain and facilitate recovery for sports injuries such as lateral meniscus ruptures, femoral acetabular impingement, ganglion cysts, and sports hernias. In addition, Acupuncture has gained popularity as a treatment worth trying for diseases such as yips and delayed onset muscle soreness.

Among the included cases

Among the included cases, Acupuncture showed some potential in treating sports injuries beyond pain control in musculoskeletal disorders. This non-invasive, conservative technique can treat various sports injuries, including lateral meniscus rupture, femoral acetabular impingement, ganglion cysts, and sports hernias. Furthermore, Acupuncture has been suggested as a treatment for diseases such as yips and delayed onset muscle soreness.

Treatment of sports injuries with Acupuncture

Treatment of sports injuries with Acupuncture has a very successful record. Sports teams often hire acupuncturists to speed up healing times and treat stubborn conditions.

Acupuncture has been recorded for over 2000 years as a treatment for acute injuries caused by intense or repetitive physical activity. For martial arts, it has always been a primary means of quick healing. Techniques and styles of Acupuncture were developed to reduce pain and speed up recovery. A similar tradition continues today, and its use has spread into competitive athletics.

The disease is not important. The “patient” is important, because the patient has created the disease. The cause is in the patient; the disease is only a symptom. You can change the symptom, and another symptom will come up. You can force this disease by drugs, you can stop its expression, but then the disease will assert itself somewhere else and with more danger, more force – with a vengeance. So we will feel the “patient.” As we all aware education and experience equality important. But most important to get in tune with the “patient” and find the cause using both western and eastern medicine. We care and will build a rapport; and create a bridge on your healing journey!

Download this pdf if you would like more information, as this is one of the first English-language journals devoted to traditional Chinese medicine. This will help you to understand and you can discuss with the practioner more in detail for your faster recovery.

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    In sports injuries

    In sports injuries, pain and reduced function are the most common complaints. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture approach pain and reduced function as a disorder in the body’s natural state. The treatment aims to correct the condition and restore harmony in the body by correcting the underlying cause.

    Sports injuries can be treated

    Sports injuries can be treated effectively with Acupuncture, including strains, sprains, stiff necks, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles, as well as swollen muscles and shin splints, according to recent studies. Acupuncture can help athletes improve their performance and gain an edge in competition in addition to treating injuries.

    Acupuncture has been shown to improve function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, according to the most comprehensive clinical study published in the December 2004 Annuals of Internal Medicine.


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