A frequent need to urinate, or an unusual urgency to urinate, can result from several health conditions. Symptoms of a UTI include bladder pain, pressure on the bladder, and burning when peeing. Diabetes, IC, pregnancy, prostate problems, ovarian cysts, and more can also cause you to feel like you need to pee constantly.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Most women will experience a urinary tract infection (UTI) (also known as cystitis). UTIs are common among women, making them the most common non-hospital infection. Most doctor visits are related to UTIs, which are estimated to account for 6% of all visits. Bacteria most commonly cause UTIs, usually E. coli, which infects the urethra, bladder, or further up the urinary tract. Depending on hygiene habits, after sex or exercise, or when using contraceptives or period products, this can occur. In addition, it can happen when urine sits in the bladder for too long or if the immune system is weakened.

Treating UTI's

While home remedies like drinking cranberry juice are famous for treating UTIs, most women realize they have no choice but to visit their doctor once they feel the constant urge to urinate. In most cases, UTI medical treatment involves laboratory confirmation of the infection, antibiotic therapy, and analgesic medicine (such as Pyridium) to relieve urinary pain caused by UTIs. UTIs are a common problem among women. Unfortunately, antibiotic-resistant infections are becoming more common, and antibiotics do not address the root cause.

When there is no infection, interstitial cystitis (IC), also called painful bladder syndrome, causes constant urges to urinate or pressure in the bladder. Women often suffer from recurrent UTIs and ICs due to the constant urge to urinate, which can cause anxiety and depression.

It is less common for men ...

It is less common for men to get UTIs than for women. However, when an enlarged prostate presses on the urinary organs, blocking urine flow and causing a backup, men often experience frequent urination due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

A UTI can sometimes be misdiagnosed as something else. Growths in the pelvis, including ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, or tumours, may cause bladder pressure, pain, or frequent urination at night. It is possible to experience urinary symptoms even if there is no infection:

  1. A frequent need to urinate (more than eight times per day)
  2. Urination problems
  3. There is a difference in the colour of the urine
  4. A burning sensation when peeing
  5. Frequently urinating at night

It is conventional medicine’s answer to UTIs to prescribe antibiotics, but this is not the only solution. Using TCM acupuncture and herbs can improve the function of the bladder and kidney systems, reduce symptoms of recurrent UTIs, and treat the underlying causes of inflammation and pressure in the bladder.

The top 10 causes of urinary frequency:-

A variety of factors can cause frequent urination – 

  1. It is also known as cystitis, or bladder infection, if a condition of the urinary tract causes it.
  2. The urinary tract can become infected with bacteria when it moves into the kidneys. It is possible for people with nerve damage in the spine not to feel UTI symptoms (neurogenic bladder), so the infection spreads further.
  3. Urine crystallizes and forms hard stones when the bladder does not empty, causing pain when you urinate.
  4. The cause of interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome) is unknown. Inflammation of the bladder lining may be caused by overdistension, trauma, or pelvic floor muscle dysfunction.
  5. Inflammation of the prostate is accompanied by nerve irritation; it is not necessarily an infection, although bacterial infections can occur.
  6. A weak urethral sphincter leads to urinary incontinence – the leakage of urine. People over 65 and women are more likely to have this condition.
  7. Usually caused by infection, vaginitis is inflammation of the vaginal area. There are several types of vaginitis, including Candida or yeast infections.
  8. Diabetes can cause urinary problems, including incontinence and urinary retention, due to the body’s increased urine production to process blood sugar. In addition to constant thirst, diabetic urinary symptoms include frequent urination.
  9. Surgery to remove pelvic organs, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and immunotherapy, among others, can cause irritation or damage to the bladder.
  10. Overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms include frequent urination, leakage, nocturia (waking up to pee at night), and a strong urge to urinate frequently. This condition is thought to be caused by incorrect communication between the brain and the urinary tract.

The disease is not important. The “patient” is important, because the patient has created the disease. The cause is in the patient; the disease is only a symptom. You can change the symptom, and another symptom will come up. You can force this disease by drugs, you can stop its expression, but then the disease will assert itself somewhere else and with more danger, more force – with a vengeance. So we will feel the “patient.” As we all aware education and experience equality important. But most important to get in tune with the “patient” and find the cause using both western and eastern medicine. We care and will build a rapport; and create a bridge on your healing journey!

Download this pdf if you would like more information, as this is one of the first English-language journals devoted to traditional Chinese medicine. This will help you to understand and you can discuss with the practioner more in detail for your faster recovery.

We are here to help you to recover you from the root!

    Please call us or send email to find out how we can help you! Please download the a scientic journal to understand how tcm helps in your pain or illness.

    In pregnancy-related bladder pressure

    In pregnancy, the bladder can be put under pressure, resulting in frequent urination.

    Frequent urination is caused by various factors depending on a person’s biological sex. For example, men may suffer from frequent urination due to prostate problems, whereas in women, it may be caused by pregnancy, ovaries, or uterus problems.

    In addition to pregnancy

    In addition to pregnancy-related bladder pressure, other organs can cause urinary frequency and discomfort. An anterior prolapse occurs when the pelvic floor is weakened, causing the uterus, intestines, or bladder to drop. Pregnant women often experience frequent urination, or even urinary retention, due to their heavy uterus. As a result of pelvic floor damage after childbirth, many women experience weak pelvic floor muscles, prolapsed uteri or bladders, and ongoing urinary urgency.

    Prostatitis (infection and inflammation of the prostate) or prostate enlargement can pressure the bladder and other urinary organs in men. Diuretics and excessive coffee consumption can also lead to frequent urination.

    Is acupuncture effective for frequent urination?

    Urinary problems in Chinese medicine are classified as “Lin Syndromes.” Lin disorders are generally characterized by painful, “dribbling” urination and are usually caused by imbalances in the bladder and kidneys, as well as other major organs such as the heart, liver, and spleen. To remove heat and dampness, we use acupuncture treatment and herbal formulations.

    Here are the top 5 TCM differentiations of UTI:

    1. The symptoms of damp heat are frequent urination, burning sensation when peeing, painful pressure in the urethra, dark urine, unusual odour, feeling of nausea, and a bitter taste in the mouth.
    2. Symptoms of Heart Fire include difficulty sleeping/insomnia, irritability, anxiety, palpitations, and thirst.
    3. Excess heat from the liver causes painful burning during urination, headaches, ringing in the ears, tinnitus, constipation, feelings of anger and frustration, and redness in the eyes and face.
    4. This disorder is characterized by incomplete emptying of the bladder due to prostate enlargement or prolapse of the pelvic organs.
    5. Stones in the bladder, kidney stones, etc., cause obstructions in the urinary system due to mineral buildup.

    Top 5 Tips for Preventing UTI:

    Prevent UTIs by drinking more water.

    UTIs can be prevented naturally by following these steps:

    1. Drinking more water may seem counterintuitive when you don’t want to pee more. The urinary tract needs to be continuously flushed out of bacteria. The bladder can be irritated by drinks such as coffee and soda.
    2. If you need to go, go – Some treatments include training your bladder to hold urine, but this is not recommended for most people. When urine is held in the bladder for too long, bacteria grow, and overdistension occurs.
    3. Use a front-to-back wipe when you go to the bathroom. You must change your clothes and underwear frequently if you sweat a lot. During your menstrual cycle, you should change your pads and tampons frequently.
    4. Before going to bed after sex, always urinate in the bathroom.
    5. Around your genital area, avoid using deodorants, douches, and scented wipes. It would help if you also considered whether contraceptives such as spermicides might contribute to this problem.


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